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Monday morning pictures

Lisa Adams
6 years ago

I was so frustrated when I lost everything last week when I wrote a long post and included photos. This was for Ingrids "How do you handle color" post. Well, I'm ready to try again, but I'll skip the long compliments to each poster. Sorry. I did love them ALL. These pictures were inspired by vaporvac's comment about not posting any wide shots of her garden. First I said, "Me neither". Then I said,"What the heck, maybe my mess will embolden others." Nothing is perfect here, much needs to be done. Some good cutting back and staking would make a world of difference. But, well there are priorities, like feeding animals, people, and giving the plants water. So no fixing. No hiding. The good, the bad, just plain out here for all to see. Needless to say. Houzz won't be contacting me anytime soon to use my garden for anything, but I keeps me active and outdoors. Here goes, before I lose my nerve. And I hope everyone will add their own photos here. Be brave! Not all gardens are perfect. Just enjoy what your growing and share:) Lisa

The south corner. I'm killing grass and expanding here. Everything does so well with morning sun and afternoon shade. It's getting too full, so I'm making it bigger. Hate grass anyway in S CA. I'm doing it Slowly & Cheaply

Sun interference. Alnwick Castle and annual Orlaya. The hill behind is slowly being planted.

Cornellia on the hot slope. This was a morning sun spot until I had the Queen Palms removed. I need to plant something up here to give her some relief. She's not real happy about the sudden full sun.

Irish Cream rose, Canary Island lavender, verbena, Felicia "Tight and Tidy"(the little blue daisies), and a bud of Joan Fontaine rose.

Need a break. More coming. Lisa

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