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Need help diagnosing eastern redbud problem

I got this sapling in November from my local garden club. Problems started shortly after leafing out this February. No flowers were produced this year which isn't all that odd considering the age of the tree. Leafing started out strong for about two weeks, but then the tips of the new leaves and stems started to turn black at the ends near the top of the tree. Leaves near the bottom continued growing strong. Since then, the black tips have begun to spread, leaves have started yellowing and then browning more and more.

Possibilities I've considered:

1) Nitrogen burn: I use a slow release high nitrogen fertilizer on my nearby loblolly pines in the late winter to encourage new growth. There may have been run off.

2) Canker: There are no telltale signs on the bark of the trunk, but the leaf symptoms seem about right.

3) Root rot / root damage

4) Some type of fungus?

5) High soil PH

What are your thoughts?

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