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Hot Pink and lavender...bad combo? Too much apricot?

7 years ago

Historically I've never really planned out my garden beds in terms of color combinations or having them all grouped together. I've pretty much only taken into account height, and made sure that I've had no two of the same color next to each other (and that you can pretty much see all colors available from one spot)

In the beginning of the spring. I found myself with all pinks and lavenders to plant.

I had:

Violet's Pride
Perfume Delight
Pink Peace
Lavender Veranda
Miranda Lambert
All My Loving
Monsieur Tillier
Gene Boerner
Queen Elizabeth
Blue Girl
Moonlight Magic
(plus a few more but my husband is watching me type and he can never know the full truth)

So I planted all of these on either side of my arbor (which has an Aloha and a Climbing Pinkie currently adorning it). Now I'm worried that there is too much hot pink, not enough soft pink and that my lavenders are gonna look washed out. Does this sound horrendous?

Since then I have purchased a few more.

What is remaining (as yet unplanted)

Lady of Shallot
Soul Sister
Mother of Pearl
Chicago Peace
Paris de Yves St. Laurent
Julia Childs (2)
Pope John Paul II
Polar Express

I was going to plant all of these on either side of a Crepuscule arch.

Does sound like too many "sun" colors together?

I'm great at digging through rock but as it turns out not as good at the color arrangement stuff.

Thanks in advance for your help/advice.

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