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17 Monarch cats in the nursery and counting

Mary Leek
7 years ago

Already have 17 Monarch cats in the nursery and every time I walk through the garden, I spot another tiny hole in a milkweed leaf. I've not seen another Monarch but obviously I've had at least one more visitor. The babies from the eggs left by the frail mama Monarch some time back are now into their second instar, fat and happily munching away.

Decided to prepare more tropical mw seed for germination. They won't help now but if early spring is this busy, I can only guess at future needs ... time to prepare :-) I have two Giant Milkweed plants I overwintered in pots. One I'm going to leave in the largest pot and hope I get some decent growth from it while potted. The second one is going back into the ground, as I'm sure the growth will be better there. May need those big leaves as food for the little cats when they move into their last instars.

I noticed Almost Eden Nursery is offering the Giant Milkweed this spring, although they're currently sold out. A very nice gardening friend sent me cuttings early 2016 and I had tremendous growth with this plant. But in most areas of the country, it can only be grown as an annual, unless potted up and overwintered inside or kept in a heated gh. This is the first time I've seen these plants offered online that can be shipped.

And, surprise, surprise, my local nursery actually had about 8 very nice sized 'old fashioned' Red Pentas this spring. Wow, couldn't believe my eyes. Maybe our nurseries are beginning to take note of gardeners who grow for the butterflies and pollinators. I'm going to ask to speak to the person who does the ordering and thank them for offering the old fashioned Pentas this year. First time I've seen them in a nursery here in years.

How is everyone else doing with the spring Monarchs?


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