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Dual fuel heat pump efficiency - need a sanity check in my logic

7 years ago

Thinking of the HVAC options to install in a single family house in central MA. One of the "greener" options being suggested is a heat pump with fall back to nat gas. But the $-part, even excluding the installation cost difference, looks questionable. Here is why:

According to this, about 1/2 the time of the heating season in MA the system would use the HP and 1/2 the time it would fall back to combustion. While on the HP, it is about 300% efficient, yet on the gas - about 90%. But here is the trick, the electricity cost in MA is (Fig 2.) almost 5 times higher than NG per mmBTU. Meaning, I'd rather run the system on NG the whole season and still pay less.

Am I wrong?



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