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spring begins - part 2 April showers and more....

We've been getting a fair bit of rain and some milder temperatures.

Quite a few years ago I planted crocuses and other small bulbs in one side of the ditch (below the 'moat' bed). They haven't bulked up or spread much - in part I think because DH keeps mowing the grass there too early in the spring! On my first spring thread we talked about Cream Beauty crocuses and winter aconites. There are a couple of small (VERY small!) patches of Cream Beauty crocuses along the ditch. And I was very surprised to see a couple of winter aconites there in the past few days! I have no recollection of ever planting therm there - or seeing them there before. I do remember that we planted some small bulbs that came as a 'gift pack' with something we ordered last fall. I'm assuming that package must have included the ones I'm seeing now. It is chilly and wet here today so most of the little bulbs were closed up when I took these pictures:

The buds on the Chinese wisteria are looking promising so far:

The Japanese wisteria buds are slower to swell but there are lots of the desirable 'finger' structures on it:

DH brought his garlic and other veggie pots out of the garage on Sunday when we did a bit of work starting garden clean-up. This is only about half of his garlic - the rest are on the other side of the driveway. The first pot has rhubarb with some strawberries. He was very pleased that a rosemary plant survived the winter in the garage - that doesn't often happen.

(In the background behind the rosemary you can see that some little bulb irises have shown up. There are a couple of patches of them in the driveway border now.)

Things should be coming on fast now - we desperately need to get the clean-up done soon but most of this week is forecast to be wet. At this time of year I start to think that the garden is a bit(!) too big now.... Who else among you are feeling a bit overwhelmed (but happy to see the plants and colors of spring)?

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