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Total Novice, Looking to start grafting fruit trees. Advice needed.

Carroll Lee
7 years ago

Going on my second spring in our home in Northern NJ. Year one I planted two Espalier 3:1's from raintree and a random 5:1 plum. I have space for another tree on my wall and I wanted to add a Cherry fan and a Peach open center. I have found dozens of great example videos and write ups, but I still have questions.

To accomplish my goal I bought some St Julian and krymsk 5 from raintree. Given that I Want to multi graff the cherry do I plant it this year and let the central leader get tall first or do I graft on to the stock and from there graft others onto it next year? Same basic question for the Peach, at what height do you generally want to cut the central leader before grafting.

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