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3/07/2017 Drought Monitor

Here's this week's Oklahoma Drought Monitor. It shows the drought advancing quite a bit compared to last week and it shows Abnormally Dry conditions spreading over some areas that previously had managed to avoid being painted yellow more or less. My particular county keeps turning yellow one week, then white, then yellow....but without some good rain, I don't think we'll make it back out of the yellow for a while because of all the drying March winds.

A fairly large portion of OK advanced from Moderate to Severe Drought and up in the panhandle, we now see the red that indicates Extreme Drought. Previously the only Extreme Drought had been in a small portion of eastern and southeastern OK. Sadly, the part of the state that needs the rain most---NW OK---seems unlikely to get enough this week to help them much. I'd gladly give up every smidgen of rain forecasted to fall in my area this weekend if only it could go fall over NW OK instead.

Oklahoma Drought Monitor

As much as I don't want for planting season to turn into mud season, we need rain and plenty of it or I think we'll see drought continue to advance. Even worse, the longer we go without significant rainfall to really green up the countryside, the worse the winter wildfire season will be.

And, for the benefit of all our forum members who live outside Oklahoma, here's the U.S. Drought Monitor:

U. S. Drought Monitor

It's great to continue seeing improvement in California. They have suffered from drought there for so long now. I can't help noticing how drought is setting in pretty firmly in the center of the country and how the southern drought continues on without as much improvement as they need to see before the summer heat arrives.

I don't worry excessively over a dry February/March because sometimes they just are dry and it doesn't necessarily mean that we're in for prolonged drought. However, if we don't start getting good rainfall in April, we're in trouble.


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