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Best frozen appetizer type things from Costco

We are having a very casual open house this weekend fand I'd like to get some decent frozen appetizer type things for it at Costco tomorrow. I know it's not very gourmet, but I just want something that tastes okay and is easy for me to manage. The party is from 1-4 so definitely not meal time

I am going to make cookies and brownies And I will have veggies and chops and hummus And fruit

This is a group of people I basically don't know at all. Mwe moved here a few months ago and we invited neighbors and some kids from school hoping to get to know some people. So I have no idea about food allergies, religious restrictions or preferences. There will be a wide age range.

I haven't gotten very many RSVPs so I don't have much idea of how many people will actually come.

So, suggestions for things I can pick up from the freezer case at Costco?

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