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Help with 2017 Garden Goal: Gopher Destruction & Elimination

Tiana Martin
7 years ago

The last few years, I've been having a terrible time with gophers in my garden. They eat the below parts of several garden veggies including squash, onions, garlic, carrots, and parsnips, etc.

I didn't see the one we caught so I can't be 100% they're not voles or something instead of gophers, but since they're obviously eating the veggies, they can't be moles. I've been assuming they're pocket gophers.

Things I've Tried:

Cinch Traps - We caught one gopher with this trap. I didn't catch another one for a few months then they rusted just enough to make them non-effective. I could try to oil the traps to see if they will work properly. Has anyone had success?

Solar Gopher Chaser - Didn't work for me. I had heard mixed reviews and I found one on sale so I just tried it.

Trying this Year:

Landscape Fabric - I dug one garden bed last fall and placed some heavy duty landscape fabric I got from my parent's nursery. It's water permeable but doesn't let weeds through. I assume it will do the job as it kept out mice and other rodents for my parents on much larger scale. I plan to dig out the rest of my garden beds this spring but only a quarter of my garden is in beds and I don't plan on building more beds for money/time/soil purposes.

Macabee Gopher Trap - I bought two of these last and haven't had a chance to use them yet. Has anyone had success with these? 

Things I Could Try:

Underground Fencing - I really don't want to have to do this. I already have a 7' deer fence around my whole garden and digging 2 to 3 feet down around the 160' perimeter of the garden does not sound like fun. But I might end up doing it as my last resort.

Creating habitat for Predators - I've seen several garter snakes in my garden but I always assumed they were going after the frogs. The tend to scare the bejesus out of me as I've been damaged from too many run-ins with rattlesnakes while working in the sagebrush. I could encourage raptor roosting.

I won't be using poison in my garden.

So what has worked for everyone to get rid gophers? Is there any hope?

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