Has anyone seen the New Cortec Plus Enhanced Colors?
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
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has anyone seen these AMAZING sconces? ( Xposted)
Comments (50)Wow! I had been ignoring this post because as beautiful as the sconce was (and it would be PERFECT in our house), I have all our light fixtures sitting patiently in our dining room and am out of money, but I missed out on so much fun! That's what I get for trying to stay on task! I must say, you are lucky to be able to barter sex for something so beautiful. Lately, I've had to be 'nice' in the bedroom so that I don't get kicked out of the house over the cabinet fiasco! I'm sure they will be worth it though. I'll have fond memories every time I retrieve a piece of china from the corner curio, brush my teeth at the bathroom vanity, pull the broom from the broom closet... Huh. This isn't actually working out for me. It would be more worth it if I could stare at those beautiful sconces. Maybe over our nightstands? ;-) j....See Moreanyone knows if color enhanced oranges are safe to eat ?
Comments (4)Mimismom--I'm in CA and I don't think I've ever seen a FL orange here. You can google "food pesticides" and come up with a list of the most pesticide laden foods. I think peaches and strawberries are the highest with onions on the low end. Always wash produce carefully. The skin on most fruits is very healthy to eat, but you can peel it off apples and peaches in the hope that it might help. You might watch at your market to see when/if the organic stuff is marked down. I know it is expensive, and I rarely buy it myself. Perhaps you could occasionally purchase certain produce items from the organic section, and that would give you some peace of mind. We have Safeway/Vons markets here, and they have developed a line of organic foods. Maybe one of your markets has the same. Do you have farmers' markets in NY in the spring/summer/fall? You might get safer produce there. You could even buy some things and freeze them. Do you garden? You could plant some veggies in the summer to freeze (tomatoes come to mind). I suspect you are a mom trying to do your best for your children. I know it's worrisome. Susan...See MoreHas Anyone Seen This IRL? Idea for Study Wall
Comments (22)I think this is one of those times when a vision can't be explained to people who have never been in your home. If you love these and think they will look great, then try them out. To your comment about having a large library, I didn't mean to imply that someone with or without books should avoid art featuring books. I just meant that I already have so many walls covered by books that I was having trouble with the concept of featuring books on one of my few plain walls as an explanation of why the art you are considering didn't strike my fancy. You obviously have a much larger home than mine with many more walls to decorate....See MoreHas anyone seen the Verde Fantastico granite? AMAZING!
Comments (30)"pew1, wake up to the realities of the global market. Propaganda is best kept to oneself in these forums." pew wasn't spewing propaganda, just stating his/her opinion. Not out of line at all. In the two years that I have been checking this forum literally every day I have read countless threads about buying products from China. Another often discussed topic is the morality of using stone quarried using child labor. Many people have stated they wouldn't buy products from this country or that country and no one once told them their comments were out of line. We all come here for info about designing and shopping for our kitchens. Seeing as how for many of us the country of origin is an important consideration in whatever we buy, comments like pew's are on-topic and acceptable. I welcome them. Pretty pretty granite! I agree however that it doesn't look like granite as much as onyx or maybe marble. I especially like the sample with the thick ropes of white. Nicole...See MoreRelated Professionals
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