Anyone use WOT? Web of Trust?
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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vote for 'in god we trust'
Comments (9)Nona quoted "Since I don't use plastic cards or electronic payments, I will soon be obsolete too, I guess! LOL" I understand you were joking but I've got to share Nona. You will not be obsolete because you don't use plastic or electrronic payments. You'll just have a much hiigher chance of losing all your money than I do now. I was a non-plastic person for a very long time. Then I got robbed ten steps from the camera at the bank where I had just cashed my pay check. All the money for food for the family, rent, gas, to get to work for the next 2 weeks, the electric bill, all in one push down grab and snatch was gone. It was painful for me to listen to the police officer say there was very little hope of recovering any of the cash or my IDs, medication and personal things as well. We were helped by a food bank with one bag of food. One church turned me down for help because I made to much money. I sold my wedding ring set for way less than it was worth to take care of all the bills so My kids didn't have to be deprived of normal life. Now I carry very little cash and use the safe and secure debit/credit card for my bank account and direct deposit. The check can't get stolen/lost and if the card is, I can stop the thief from getting all my money by making one phone call. Yep plastic is safer and cleaner. On a good note if anyone wants to put In GOD I Trust on their card they can do so with custom cards now. CT...See MoreWOT warning on
Comments (5)I'm sorry I was not more specific. Go HERE and then Click on the cracker to get to the personal web page. Raven, I expect you just clicked on the link to their (GW) member page, right? When I see the red wot warnings what I do is click on that warning where it says you can check their rating page, and see why they got rated that way also many times people will write comments saying why they rated it that way. Without doing any clicking the warning page that displays says the Trustworthiness is unsatisfactory Vendor reliability, Privacy, and Child Safety all show as POOR. In doing a Google search on (which showed in the URL when I got the warning), I see that the search results show all sites with in their address have a RED WOT warning. Any ideas as to why?...See MoreFinding quality bespoke furniture - and then trusting them?
Comments (5)I thought that too, and found it easy enough to state my requirements remotely. Some will be delivered to the UK and some to the US. One of the challenges I had was communicating my needs clearly enough for both parties to get a clear picture of the commission. Then once we agreed and I had reviewed the relevant pictures and diagrams, I placed the deposit and waited. From time-to-time, they sent me images of work-in-progress so that I could feel comfortable with them working on it without me breathing down their necks. That was a nice touch. Have you had some bespoke hand made furniture made yourself? Where did you go? Took me literally hours to find what I wanted... If anything, I would have loved to have seen a high-quality image of my products and how they "would" look in my home before purchasing - I guess that's something for the future. Kind regards....See Morewot
Comments (7)many times it is not the actual site that is bad but one of the ads that was on the site that was bad many ads are corrupt and carry infections, if it is detected on a site then it has to red line that site as a warning. Yes it has many times happened that the owners and friends of bad sites will all gang up on wot and give rave reviews trying to get rid of the red warning. I personally always write why I give a site a specific rating not everyone does so just because you do not see anything written does not mean those that are there were the only ones. More people do not leave a reason why than those that do unfortunately. Those of us in the security forums always try to red wot any site we know of that has any type of security issues, especially drive by infections which are often in an ad and could be there today and gone tomorrow. but if it was there that does not speak real highly of the website construction and code and their scrutiny of what is going on their site. all things to keep in mind. When I am on my windows machines if I get a red wot I do not enter period....See More- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
- 8 years agolast modified: 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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