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Successful Den. aggregatum culture?

westoh Z6
7 years ago

I have a Den. aggrevatum :) that I've been try to flower for a couple of years with no luck. Tried one several years ago and it lost the battle being over-wintered. I'm an indoor winter grower and put my plants outside from May-Oct. I got this plant as a seedling 2+ years ago and it is currently growing in a 3.5" clear pot with @15 pbulbs. It seems to do very well outside with lots of sun, as it adds 4-5 p-bulbs each summer.

This fall/winter I have been keeping it in a bright east window with LED supplementing for 13 hours and temps running between 55-70F, usually on the cooler side as it sits very close to the window. I've watered it once and lightly misted it weekly. P-bulbs are shriveled quite a bit but it looks fairly healthy as I can see green tipped roots through the pot and the leaves are still quite stiff and green. I see no signs of flower spikes.

When should spikes start to appear?

Where do the spikes appear?

When do I start to water and fertilize regularly?

Any comments regarding how others are growing their aggregatums and getting blooms are quite welcome.



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