do you buy yourself a Christmas present?
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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Give yourself a 'jug prep' present
Comments (7)I bought myself a container prep present this summer, a soldering iron! People on this forum mentioned they use them to makes holes in their container, but I just used an awl tool last winter. Then this summer I raised Monarch butterflies and re-used the plastic salad boxes that I used for winter-sowing - they are a great size for raising the caterpillars, are clear so they're easy to see through, and they already had the air holes! Except that the awl made holes that had sharp edges, which is fine for winter-sowing but not good for the caterpillars who could cut themselves on the edges. I'm hoping that the soldering iron will make holes with smoother edges (and it will be easier). I gues you have to watch out for fumes when using a soldering iron, so it's best to use it outside....See MoreDo you have a funny or awkward Christmas present story?
Comments (28)I have one that is more strange than funny, but appropriate for a decorating forum. Many years ago, just before Christmas, my BIL and his wife remodeled their kitchen, using apples as a theme--dark red and forest green colors. My MIL called and told me that for Christmas she and FIL were buying BIL/SIL new dishes, to match their new kitchen. She described the dishes as having apples painted on them, with a dark green edge band. Then she said, "And we'd like to get you new dishes, too." I was thrilled, because I'd been thinking of buying a new set of dishes to replace our old odds-and-ends, but hadn't wanted to spend the money. I told my MIL this, and thanked her, and mentioned that either a cream color, or a light sage green would look good in my kitchen. MIL: "No, we're getting you the same dishes, with apples on them, because that's what FIL likes." Me: "But, we don't have anything with apples on it in our kitchen, and really, nothing red or forest green." (The kitchen had no theme--it was neutral with cream and tan, and some light blue-green vintage pottery.) MIL: "Well, that's what we're getting you, and I'm sure they'll be just fine." Me: "Um, OK, thank you. That's really nice of you." On Christmas I opened the package, thanked the in-laws again, then used the hated apple dishes for about a year and a half. One day when the in-laws showed up for family dinner, I put out my brand new cream and sage dishes, that I'd finally bought for myself, without saying a word. Neither of them ever mentioned my new dishes. I love my FIL and my late MIL, and that was so out of character for them, it still puzzles me. BTW, I packed away the apple dishes, until just recently, when my DD needed dishes for her new place. She was happy to see the familiar pattern, especially since the dishes came from her grandparents. :)...See More'color coding' the Christmas presents--share your Christmas trick
Comments (14)When my kids were very little (before being able to read), I had different paper for each child. Then my husband and I could relax on the couch and they would know which gifts they could open without us having to read the tag on each one. (Am I lazy or what? ) It also makes wrapping go much faster if you have the gifts presorted by person and don't have to change paper for each gift. In our family, Santa brings each child one big thing and the rest of the gifts are from mom and dad. I buy special paper for the gifts from Santa (usually with pictures of Santa on it). I make gift tags with "special" writing and these gifts are placed under the tree separately for the other gifts. That paper never makes another appearance. Santa also leaves each child a letter about their behavior and accomplishments for the past year. It's getting harder to pull this off each year. Happy Holidays!...See MoreDo You Buy Yourselves Birthday Presents? Any Old Day Presents?
Comments (44)KSWL, Yes, so you know the Wall Street mentality. It is understandable though when 95% of your pay is "bonus" and usually the bonuses are pretty subjective at the individual level. In any given year they can be zero or a heck of a lot. Yes, it keeps you tethered (as does the form of the payout, a good bit of it stock). SueB, What serendipity! Thats more fun than one more Christmas present, no? Tell 'em to hide some more! Running, DH got me studs for mother's day a few years ago, and it occurs to me they may be (may be?) the one thing that truly never goes out of style! Sounds like you deserve 'em! Outside, Too funny! A shotgun! But sweet that he knew exactly what you wanted. : ) Tina, I love to send and recieve flowers, but I am very particular about quality/design. ONe year at work I received three different bouquets of roses. ONe was from Dad and two were from love interests. That caused a stir, and I never said a word, LOL. I like your reply. I retired a few years ago, for about a year. Then an exboss recruited me to his new firm. I say I work "one day a week" now; i go into our office 1 day, but I also do some work from home. Once in a while I travel. It is perfect for me. I have to say, I do not recommend flat out retirement at all,and I hope to do this forever....See More- 8 years ago
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