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The storage containers are empty!

It is a glorious day because everything is out of the storage containers and in the house. The past few days have been hectic. I cried a lot yesterday. As we opened the first container we were hit by the horrible smell of mold. It was very bad. We lost almost everything in that container. Unfortunately it held our leather furniture and my mom's antique bedroom suite we had brought back from Louisiana. Mold was growing wild, but even worse termites had found a way in. They were munching down on the furniture and were still alive. Several boxes were eaten by them and I just threw it away with out looking inside. These containers were supposed to be pest free nothing can get in them. Well they are not. Some of the wood furniture that didn't have termites but does have mold we are in the process of trying to sanitize to see if is any good. Thankfully the other 2 containers were not as bad. The one holding all the beds and mattresses was OK so those survived just smell like they have been in storage. We had a pest control company spray the containers and there were no live bugs just dead ones except for the termites

It was sad to see my good leather lazy boy furniture going to the curb. We had kept one lazy boy recliner and one dual recliner couch in the house covered and they are fine. I wish we had done that with the rest. So I will have to buy new furniture. My dining room table is questionable. So many boxes that I just sent to the curb because I didn't want to bring it in to the house. The idiots who were packing up our stuff put wet items in boxes with good stuff. I have no idea what they were thinking. All wet stuff was supposed to be thrown out. I had 2 garbage bags full of good shoes that had something wet put in with them it was a slimy mess. It is terrible how much those guys cost us.

But on the bright side the contents are fully moved in to the house. Now starts the unpacking and putting away. I will be doing major thining of the stuff! Boxes of books will be donated.. I have 2 cleaning ladies lined up for this week starting tomorrow to come help me get this done. Pray for us! Lol

The final inspection was today and we passed 100% so all funds the mortgage company still holds will be released, in their sweet time of course.

We will not move back in till it's in much better shape and order.

I am hoping what does not kill us really does make us stronger! We need strength.

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