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Cook turkey the weekend before Thanksgiving?

7 years ago

Hi, so we are having 25 people for Thanksgiving and I will be making 2 turkeys, or a turkey and a ham. I was having my hair colored today and the lady doing it told me that she routinely has 35 people and makes 2 turkeys. She cooks a really big one the weekend before Thanksgiving, rests it, carves it, and freezes the meat. She uses the bones to make a stock and freezes that too, to be used to make gravy on the day.

Then she makes a smaller turkey on Thanksgiving day and leaves that uncarved and looking pretty in the middle of the buffet table. She thaws the previously cooked turkey over night, Wednesday night, and then steams it to reheat it before serving on Thanksgiving. To steam it she uses a large roasting pan with grids on the bottom and water. After 10 minutes or so, she says that the previously cooked meat is moist and hot. She puts that meat out on the buffet table; when that is gone, they cavre the smaller turkey. She said this is less stressful than making 2 turkeys on the day, and the steaming ensures it's moist. I might try this this year. At the time of our conversation, I didn't think to ask her this, but my question is - what about the pieces that have some skin on them like the legs, and the outer portions of the breast, thigh, etc. I would want the skin to be crispy and the meat to be juicy. Wouldn't the steaming make the skin soggy? I can see this steaming method working well for the skinless carved meat, but perhaps the portions with some skin on them should be re-heated in the oven? Has anyone done this?

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