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Is anyone else having problems with seeing POSTS?

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

Lately, I have been getting e-mail notifications that one has posted to a thread and when I go there I can not see it.It does not show up..Is this happening to you?

Brian posted a pic of the mix he uses in his thread I started and I will repost it here..IT's in my e-mail but not on the thread that I can see....

The last post I see from him is on last Friday and nothing after that..But in my e-mail it says he posted October 15 a.m and showed me a pic of his mix but I see nothing..

This is it but I don't see it on that thread...

Hi mikerno_1micha,

New comment on: Brian read this....About your trees and your success

orangelime1 said:Mikey here is a pic of the mix and a fig cutting I started this yr it is growing like crazy right now already 4ft .

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