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Reference book for explanations for *common* names for plants

I have a wonderful book called Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners which is great for explaining why plants have been given their scientific name. But I'm often just as stumped and puzzled by the meaning and origin of common names. For instance, it took me forever to search the web to find out why Acalypha rhomboidea is called Three-Seeded "Mercury" (I finally found out). I still don't know why Ipomopsis ruba is called "Standing Cypress". The fairly obvious part is that somebody decided its leaves look like those of a Cypress tree but we have to guess that the flower stalk is tall so somebody decided to call it "standing." But the idea of using the word "standing" to describe a plant with a tall stalk doesn't exactly distinguish it from lots of other plants with tall flower stalks, such as, well, the Cypress tree. So whoever called this plant Standing Cypress has some explaining to do.

Which all gets to my point which is that I wonder if folks here can recommend a reference manual or other book that I could use to get the explanation, meaning and origin of common names of plants. I know there are often multiple common names for the same plant, depending on the region, but that just makes the task much more interesting and important. Thanks for any suggestions.

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