When do you start bringing out your fall decorations?
8 years ago
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- 8 years agolast modified: 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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When do you bring your tropicals indoors?
Comments (5)So you don't keep the mandevilla in light? I keep the hibiscus in a sunny spot. It doesn't stay as lush but it stays green. I do cut the hibiscus back. I did winter over a ginger last year. I just let it dry out and put it in the basement and forgot about it until spring. Should I do that with the mandevilla as well? I use to be more on the ball but lately my mind isn't as sharp as it use to be. It's been a hard year with the passing of my parents. Thanks for replying to my endless questions....See MoreFall Swap - 2010 What are you bringing? What do you want?
Comments (63)I'm looking forward to Saturday! mstywoods, I'm saving some dark purple irises for you, as well as the lady's mantle. amester, I'm saving some dark purple irises for you. gjmancini, I'm saving some lady's mantle for you. Skybird, Thanks for the hollihocks! I'll still be bringing those light purple irises.. they're very regal-looking and showy. Also, I'll be bringing some of that catmint. When I thinned out and transplanted my irises last time (Oct 08), I had about a zillion extras, and gave them away to my neighbors and co-workers. Here's a BEFORE shot. Then I dug them all up, washed off their little dirty feet, and separated them. Then replanted about half of them. Here's a RIGHT AFTER shot. And here we are, 3 months ago. Oh....um, oops. As you see, I got some of them mixed up. I think I can pick out the peachy colored ones, if anyone would especially like those. I'll be transporting them the way my momma taught me - bare roots, in a big tub of water. I'll bring ziplock bags so you can keep them wet until you get home. Then, if it will be a day or two until you can plant them, you might want to put them in a big clean plastic bowl with fresh water, just deep enough to keep the roots wet. I'd leave them outside, but not in direct sun. You probably already know the little trench arrangement for putting them in the dirt, but if not , I'll show you on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing all of you!. Betty...See Morewhen will you start your Easter decorating? (You too, Jim)
Comments (20)LOL, Luvs, I've been doing the same thing! I had a major meltdown on Sunday when I'd planned to decorate. Was depressed and couldn't stop crying, guess Dad's services the day before made it so 'final' he's gone and it hit me. So yesterday, I went thru our Easter inspiration album and that picked me up and got me interested. Then I looked at my own albums to see what I did last year and the year before. BIG mistake. LOL. Most of it looked pretty pathetic to me and I started to get down again. But I hauled some of my stuff out and put it in middle of table, which forced me to decorate!!! Things were going good, I thought. Then this morning I looked at what I'd done (with only about 1/3rd of my decos so far) and hated half of it. So I started moving stuff and putting away some again. Arrrgggh. I've got two pantry shelves FULL of things to unpack and I honestly don't know what the heck I'm doing! Seems I not only had my holiday decorating spirit missing so far this year, I have lost confidence in myself to do it nicely. I don't know what is going on but I wish it would "go away" instead. I'll get more stuff out and on the table and see where it leads today tho. sigh. Kathleen, I really hate how awful your weather has been. I wish I could wave a magic wand and send you ours from the past week. However now we are going in the opposite direction from you...Spring here is backing off and this week will be downright HOT. Mid 90s. That's not a good sign in March, summer will be terrible for sure. Hopefully our Spring will come back next week, I'm not ready for our good weather to end yet. hugs, Karen...See MoreWhen do you start decorating?
Comments (6)There are times I've started the day after Turkey Day, sometimes seeing other folks decorations gives me the inspiration to put up my own, sometimes I've not even decorated at all (Luvs, I'm an ordinary person-I'm no one special, I'm just Sally). One year I only took out a few things and then put a sting of red lights with poinsetta silk flowers slipped over the bulbs and wrapped it around my very tall and full cactus. It's about six feet tall now, after 20 years of growing. Last year I gave a lot of my decorations away to a young girl with a new baby who was in deparate need of help for furnishings and food and I just wanted to be able to put a smile on her face for the holidays. (Now don't be getting all teary-eyed over this, as I said, I'm no one special.) Ok, ok, if you must know, I saw this article in the newspaper about a young girl in a shelter and there was a pic of her looking down at her newborn son and the look on her face was something I've had on my own in the past and I just wanted to help. Yes, she was grateful and when she asked what I wanted in return, I told her nothing, but if you would like to repay the favor then I will ask that one day down the road, when you read/hear or know about someone in the same situation, that you be kind and offer to help in whatever way you can, just help put that smile on a face and make them feel a little better. She looked me straight in the eyes, with a huge smile on her face and said she would do that. Now please, I don't want to have to come back in this post and read, Oh Sal, you are so kind, blah, blah, blah. I will kick your aszzz and mop the floor with it (LOL). As I said, "if you would like," do what you can to help someone out. A single Mom or family in need, a little smile on their face(s) and the hope they will feel better. You know......See MoreRelated Professionals
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