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my results growing prime ark blackberries in zone 4.

hey folks! i planted 6 prime arkfeedom blackberries in my raised beds in may. i got them from nourse farms out of mass. their people told me they didn't think these blackberries would be able to produce a fall primocane crop in my zone 4. well after a month of no growth they came up. now they're 6ft. and still throwing up shoots like crazy! theres even 6 berries and that many flowers and more coming daily! they did this in their 1st year of growth! I'm ecstatic as before now we couldn't grow blackberries in n. maine. I'm glad i took the gamble. has anyone tried this cultivar in zone 4? I've looked online and as its such a new cultivar theres no info about it. anyway was excited to share! happy growing!

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