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Hoya starts rooted and planted, a question regarding moisture level.

Laurie (8A)
7 years ago

I just really enjoyed the process of rooting some Hoya cuttings, thanks to so much great advice here. It's been so fun watching those little roots, and seeing a little leaf or two pop out.

I have the starts planted in about 2/3rd potting soil, and 1/3 or so perlite and some chicken grit. They are sitting in nice bright spot in a bathroom with southern exposure, but no direct light.

Here is a jumble of my questions.........

As for fertilizer, I am in the northwest, where the days will get short around the time the strikes have been in the dirt a month or so. If they do not receive artificial light, should I resist the urge to fertilize them until next spring.

Would I be happier if I did provide some supplemental light.

I read Hoya like to dry out, and my established plants stay dry a day or two before watering. (a big accomplishment for this hovering grower) These little cuttings roots are high in the pot, and I feel like I need to keep the young roots evenly barely moist. Is this valid, or am I at risk for overwatering?

If there is something else I should be doing, I would love the input. Happy Saturday.

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