Driving pet peeves
8 years ago
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- 8 years agolast modified: 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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Driving pet peeves
Comments (4)OMG ........ you should come drive in our county seat. First off, nobody here even knows what the expression closing the box means. I'm serious. It's not illegal and in fact if you don't shove the nose of your car out in the intersection, then the yo-yo behind you is going to start honking his/her horn. Then it's an unwritten law that when the lights turn green, if you are trying to drive straight through an intersection, you sit there through a light change to let the intersection clear of everyone who tries to ride the tail of the cars who were blocking the box until they all make their illegal turns. It's a game of chicken, actually. You can call their bluff and take your legal right of way, but you'd better be driving a very old, very large truck. Danged, I wish I hadn't sold mine. It was pretty obvious that whomever illegally bashed into that thing was going to have more damage. LOL. The big one is trying to drive straight through in one lane on any street in town. You can't. Every time you approach an intersection, the center lane becomes a turn lane, and you have to richocette back and forth at least six times to go six blocks. Of course, nobody from out of town knows this and they're constantly finding themselves in the turn lanes trying to go straight. So, they do. Another big one? Parking on the no parking side of a one-way street facing the wrong way, and they think if they pull completely upon the sidewalk so their wheels are off the road, it makes it legal. Since the police don't ticket them,I guess it does. Then there are the drivers I call rolling suppositories. IOW, they follow so closely behind you you can't see their head lights, and if you so much as hiccup at the brake pedal, they'd be up your..........well.......that's why I call them suppositories....See MoreTell us your 'pet peeves'!
Comments (22)How about when you have two items and the person ahead of you at the checkout has a overflowing cart and doesn't have the curtesy of letting you go ahead of them? It's like I can have my two items scanned and paid for before they are even done unloading, but do you think they'll let me go ahead of them? Personally, I often wave people behind me, ahead of me if I'm on the buy for a week trips and they have a few items, I just plain consider that common curtesy. Some days it's not just one person, but several, it sure doesn't kill me to have to wait a few extra seconds and let them go ahead of me instead of them waiting for me to finish a large transaction. I swear shoppers are the absolute rudest people. I remember being on crutches and trying to push a cart and someone actually knocking me down to get in the checkout lane before me. Want to talk about driving, how about the person who does not use turn signals? Kind of a running joke with me, I say, turn signals must have been optional on that model of car. But truth be known, it is not funny. Last week I was leaving a parking lot and the car ahead of me was a good 75% in the left turn lane and didn't have a turn signal on. I sat back and waited, wondering what to do since I was planning on turning right. I finally thought, well she is mostly in the left turn lane, so I moved in beside her in the right turn lane. OMG, big mistake, she laid on the horn something aweful and her passenger started yelling at me and giving me the finger. Of course the biach side of me was up for a fight, I sure didn't need this, wanted to tell her that if she wanted to turn right then get in the right lane and put on a turn signal, but the passive side of me won over, figured I didn't need a case of road rage and I backed off, let her go, but I am still steaming over the matter. Just kind of one of those things that bother me, if I am following you or before you, let me know which way you intend to go, it really isn't that hard to flip on that turn signal. I don't care if you are on a back country road or interstate highway, it's not that hard to flip on that signal. Come on folks, just lift that arm and hit the signal lever, won't give you blisters or crack a nail, take my word for it, it's really quit easy, lol....See MorePet Peeve...Plumie Stalkers!!!
Comments (37)Andrew, Yes the neighbors moved as hell have no fury like a scored/pissed plumieholic. After the plumie tossing incident and report to the city about an illegal nursery, the neighbors decided they were going to build a patio structure. Well you better believe that she was watching and noticed there were no permits. Once the neighbor completed the patio maybe a week or 2 later, as to let them enjoy it so they would know what they were missing, she called the city and reported the illegal structure. You better believe the city came and knocked on his door. The neighbor got fined/cited and had to tear down the illegal structure. I believe that is when the neighbors had enough and put their house up for sale, supposedly it sold in a matter of weeks. The neighbor was a retired Highway Patrol officer or cop (cant remember). This was years ago and told her at the time she better watch her back, law enforcement can be worse than the criminals as they have the power. Even after they moved I was told she kept getting reported. I know though she stopped selling on Ebay and MPG, and only sells on her FB Page. Well I received a 911 call from my property manager today, she told me she was out in the front shaking out her front door mat when this guy random scary looking guy opened the gate and just walked on the property aka trespassing even though there are 2 very blatant signs that states "Private Property No Trespassing Or Soliciting, Plants are not for sale!!!!" The Prop Mgr said she informed him he was trespassing and he needed to leave. I was told she was very scared and he just ignored her and kept on looking, then he asked about the plumerias asking if cuttings were available. The prop mgr yelled at him again and said she was going to call the police, then he walked away to the sidewalk and kept staring at the plants. I was told she pulled her cell phone out to dial 911 and told him he was on Cam being recorded and pointed to the camera, then he went to his car and drove off. The prop Mgr was pissed at me stating if the plumies were not there people would not be trespassing and bothering her. So again is it the plumerias at fault or the rude, selfish idiots that do not give a s#i%. Here is the sign that is posted on the first panel of Wrought Iron at the beginning of the drive way: This is whats on the closed gate, there is a kingdom hall that trespasses all the time so I had to include them lol: Who much more clearer or ruder must the signs be? I am in the process of getting a new taller gate that only opens by key or combo. Because of someone being rude I had to rush down to the South Bay and call wrought Iron people and now spend money for a new gate all because someones too cheap to use their money to just buy plumies on their own. This post was edited by freak4plumeria on Tue, Jul 9, 13 at 20:30...See MoreDriving Pet Peeves
Comments (22)Drivers who barrel onto a highway when merging as if they have the right-of-way. Drivers who don't use turn signals - how lazy can you be? Drivers who think the roadway is the Indianapolis Speedway, weaving through traffic as if there's a big trophy waiting for them down the line. Drivers who don't get into the lane they need to be in until the last possible moment and then they squeeze in suddenly causing everyone behind them to hit their breaks. Drivers who pass you in no passing zones when you're going 5-10 miles over the posted speed limit. Drivers who suddenly stop when there's no stop sign just because they think there should be one. When a car pulls right out in front of you, causing you to slow down since they can't get up to speed right away, and you look in your rear view mirror and there are no cars as far as you can see. Why must they practically cut you off when there is no one behind you? The best is when that car never reaches the speed limit and crawls in front of you for miles and miles and miles. My BIGGEST driving pet peeve is people driving through red lights. I see at least 20 cars each day drive through lights that have just turned red....See More- 8 years ago
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