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Driving pet peeves

8 years ago

The texter who is weaving in his/her lane and driving extra slowly because they are texting, only to speed once the text is complete...

The lane hogger who is driving in the left lane of the 2-lane highway at a slow rate of speed, refusing to pull over and bottling up traffic behind him or forcing people to pass on the right...

The left-hand turn from the right side of the lane so no one can get by and everyone has to wait for traffic to clear...

The "I own the road" driver: We have narrow curvy hilly roads in our area and I'm always frightened by these drivers who have no sense of sight-line and take the middle of the road at hill crests and blind corners. I'll drive fast on the straight aways for sure, but you'll find me slow and hugging the edge at the blind spots.

The frozen ankle syndrome...where the driver seems unable to add gas on the uphill or let it off on the downhill to maintain speed and instead go 20 mph up the hill and 45 mph down the other side.

The "stop means slow" driver...those who think the stop is just a helpful suggestion and roll right through it. I'm here so I have the right of way.

What are your driving pet peeves?

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