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Sleazy Vaccine Marketing

BB Galore
7 years ago

This is not a rant against vaccines in general, but rather the slimy fear-mongering and guilt-tripping TV ads, and pharma companies using our doctors to peddle their vaccinations.

You know the ads:

"Mommy and Daddy, why didn't you love me enough to get me a vaccine that would have prevented the cancer I now have from picking up a venereal disease?"

"If only I had vaccinated my son, he wouldn't be lying here in a coma."

"Unless you vaccinate, you're gonna get shingles, and it's gonna be just awful!" Meanwhile, the ambulance chasers are already circling for class-action participants who developed shingles because of the vaccine.

I've even received telemarketing robocalls from my family physician "reminding" me to take my kids in for meningitis vaccinations. Talk about practicing bad medicine! Who does my doctor work for: me or the pharmaceutical companies?

I'm hardly anti-vaccine. I've had my kids vaccinated with most of the common childhood vaccinations, though I did push for a much slower, further spaced schedule, since my kids never did daycare. There's a lot of new vaccines coming out, but the long-term effectiveness isn't known, and neither I nor my kids are going to be guinea pigs. No vaccine is without risk, so risks of infection must be weighed against risks of vaccination.

Thoughts? Personal experiences?

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