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Cactus ID, if it is a cactus

This is a cactus right? I got at local grocery store with no name and immediately reported to a mix of cactus and succulent dirt with perlite. Is this right for this plant? The top dressing is just decorative rock. It's in a container with a hold at the bottom as well, and I replanted it so it wasn't so buried (before it was more under dirt, but I don't want rot). Roots look good, but hopefully it will grow more as they weren't that long compared to its height. It has spikes and they are spiky, but the leaves are normal leaves and one fell off and a bubble of white stuff came to where it broke- sap? I'm not sure. I saw him and thought he was unique, especially apart from the usual arrangement of succulents the local store has. Any help or advice appreciated! Thanks!

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