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Sheet mulch for next year's veggie garden?

8 years ago

Got a new home on 1.1 acres. Didn't have the time to start a veggie garden this year. We are still slowly unpacking (both DW and I work full-time w/small kids).

I had a brainstorm: as we unpack, using the cardboard boxes to sheet mulch the area I want the garden next year.

Would this work?

1. "scrape" the grass w/the mower as close as possible

2. Lay cardboard

3. Use the grass clippings to place over top of the cardboard (plus whatever other organics I can come up with, including leaves this fall).

4. In my climate (30 mi North of Washington, DC), if I start this now, will I have a decent bed for spring 2017? Soil is a somewhat compacted/neglected silty clay loam, pH 5.5. Grass is mix of patches of zoysia and tall fescue in that area.

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