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A visit to the renovated RBG rock garden yesterday

Last summer I posted a thread about our 'hard hat' tour of the almost completed renovation of the rock garden at the Royal Botanical Gardens near here. The rock garden renovation is now complete and it opened to the public May 20th. We went to the opening celebration the night before, which was disappointing for various reasons so went back yesterday during the day to take a better look. The rock garden dates back to an 1930s/Great Depression work project that converted a gravel pit into the rock garden with the addition of 10,000 tonnes of limestone! (No rhododendrons in this garden....!) The infrastructure was aging and in desperate need of replacing/updating. The existing mature and maturing plantings provide a great backdrop to new additions so that 'raw' look of a new garden is minimized. One of the most significant changes is a major improvement is accessibility for young families with kids in strollers etc as well as for older or disabled people - the stone stairs that were the main access rout have largely been replaced by wide' comfortable concrete ramps. Some pictures:

Spring has been very cold here so the water features, including a long pool across the entrance, are still without any water plants:

The lily pools in the water feature in the garden are also missing their waterlilies! The water is an odd, murky color too; I'd not sure if that is due to the cold or due to a need to adjust/stabilize water quality in a new water system for the garden.

As you can see, the roof of the visitor's centre is in the shape of a leaf - very dramatic :-) During last year's tour, we couldn't go into the building so I didn't realize that the leaf shape is a big feature of the interior too:

I 'm not sure what the vertical drop is from the top of the garden to the bottom but the ramp slope is a comfortable walk, although the slope varies from place to place. In pictures taken looking along the ramp, it oftens looks more like a fairly level path than a slope! The slope is more obvious where there is rockwork to judge the slope against. Some pictures from along the ramps:

Moving on to pictures of some plantings....

The rock garden has traditionally had large displays of bulbs in spring, then the bulbs were removed after flowering and replaced with annuals. The removed bulbs were sold at one of RBG's plant sales. I think they are moving to more permanent plantings and reducing the bulb/annual displays. I only took one picture of bulbs (white narcissus) during our visit in May and only saw one significant planting of annuals yesterday (which I didn't take a picture of....)

Spring bulbs May 19:

I'm not sure if it's the exact area, but somewhere near where those bulbs were is now a lovely swath of blue hostas:

There are numerous places with pretty combinations of well-established groundcovers spilling over rocks. Here are a couple of those:

From May 19:

From yesterday:

I wasn't sure what one of the groundcovers was so took a picture of the label... I want to look for more info on this one:

I think I'd better post at this point and continue in a 'reply' post in case I hit a picture-posting limit....

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