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SOS! Is this rot? What do I do?

Hi! Gardening newbie here. One of my cacti was turning red at the tips (I put it outdoors, in full shade). And I posted a question about the tips. The commenter asked why I was putting ribbons to support the cactus up and I said because it was tilting. And it got me thinking; I should repot him and check his roots. He was firm all over, soil upwards but underneath he is weird and red! What?! Is this rot?! The red part is not mushy. It's still on the firm side but definitely got some softness.. Look:

What do I do? How come his roots are so little?

i don't know whether to plant him or cut him or.. Help! I don't know!

i got this guy a year ago and he grew SO much in that year. He used to be just one column and now he has arms and tiny balls at his base etc.

i live in Asia; full tropics. Sun year round (save for the rainy season; where we have rain and sun).

this was on garden soil.. On a dish with a drain hole. I can repot in cactus potting mix if you advise..


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