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Blackgum/Tupelo stump sprouts back! And I like it!

Two falls ago, I got a beautiful little wildfire Tupelo from a local nursery ($$$), and installed it in full sun (zone 5a). By mid season last year suddenly the leaves wilted, the branches died, and eventually I had to cut it down to a stump. I suspect fungal infection, but it might have just been poor culture since the soil was not sufficiently acidic. I dug up the root (not too hard, it was just a tiny baby) amended the soil to be more acidic, added mulch, and increased water. In transplanting, I noticed that the roots were badly tangled, including the taproot which was bent into the shape of a pot. I put the roots back into the amended bed just two months ago.

To my delight, my husband just noticed the stump was sprouting! How do I care for these tiny sprouts and prevent the problems the original tree had? I spritzed them with fungicidal spray, but those are the only steps I've taken so far. I have not fertilized. The goal would be to create a healthy new tree from them, with proper apical dominance. Would root pruning help in the long run? Any other tips? Thanks!

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