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Selling a porcelain doll making business

8 years ago

I am trying to find a way to sell my parents' doll making business.
It was all stored in the garage, loft and house until my Dad put himself in the same care home as my Mum to be with her. Mum is in the later stages of Alzheimers and Dad suffers with Parkinsons.
I have wigs, eyes, pates, patterns, molds, body parts, greenware, finished dolls etc. I thought I could sell it off in bits, but the storage unit is very expensive and the sales are not covering it. However, I have just catalogued the eyes and they are probably worth around £1500 cost price!
Can someone give me any advice on how I might go about selling the whole kit and kaboodle? I have already listed the 148 molds I have been through on eBay. I have probably another 30 of small Kent Minis etc to list. I pulled out the decent knitting patterns and they are listed as well. But it's all rather slow and laborious.
Any advice, help, guidance, interest would be most gratefully received.

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