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Sterling Medallion already sold out

I got my Hosta Journal and sent in the order for Sterling Medallion, the club's first member's hosta, about 6-7 days later. I got an email back saying there was much greater demand than they expected, and the shipping-in-June plants were all gone. They'll have a second batch ready in late summer or early fall, when mine will ship.

A bit worried - they had a hard time in TC and the plant was delayed a year already. Afraid the fall plants will be tiny, and I've lost enough fall planted hostas I don't plant in fall any more. I know the experts say it's like giving the plant a year's head start, but after planting 10 end of season hostas in 2013 and having 5 die, I'm a skeptic.

Anyhow, if you were planning to order, it's too late.

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