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Wow - roses in zone 5 before Mother's Day!

Hi folks

Usually June is the start of rose season in my zone, with a few stragglers putting out a few blooms by Memorial Day, like my usual first rose Felix Leclerc. Well this year, not only do I have first blooms before Mother's Day, but all my roses have big fat buds and are likely to start serious blooming in May. Wow, the benefits of a mild winter!

What's more, the first rose out of the chute wasn't Felix as usual. Instead, Therese Bugnet chose this year to bloom and nicely too! I've had her at least 4 maybe 5 years and she has NEVER bloomed, even in prime real estate! I think she just needed to put substantial roots down. Here is one of her first dozen or so blooms, wonderfully fragrant.

I happened to catch a bee gleefully wallowing in the pollen of one of her blooms. He just looked so happy, like a kitten nestling in a bed of yarn.

Joining Therese but coming in a close second in the spring race is Fimbriata. For a change the blooms actually look nice with that fringed look he's supposed to have. Mine puts out a nice flush in spring and then doesn't rebloom at all, in the same prime real estate. I'm going to experiment with chopping him back firmly and see if that prompts a rebloom this year, since leaving the existing cane didn't work at all last year.

For the first time ever in 10 years of growing roses, I've had roses overlap with tulips and columbine. Usually the tulips are long gone and most of May is a mix of iris, columbine, allium and peonies. Heck, Therese and Fimbriata are even earlier than the peonies, though not the tree peonies. Here's a bouquet I couldn't resist with Therese Bugnet being celebrated by tulips and clematis and columbines.

How about you - are you getting earlier than usual roses in your cold zones? Those of you with April snow are probably still catching up, but we are totally early.


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