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Worm Tea Interruptus

8 years ago

Newbie to worm tea, not vermicomposting

I started brewing some worm tea on Weds afternoon. I have a small air pump connected to a DIY bubbler that goes inside a 5-gallon bucket for aeration. I use a 12"x12'' nut milk nylon filter bag packed pretty good with worm castings.

About 5 hrs after starting we had a blackout and lost power for the next 20 hrs, and then some unexpected rain (the pump isn't waterproof), so I did not get it back up and running until Friday morning, about 33 hrs after it stopped. The rain is coming back about 1pm so I will have to turn it off again then

I hand mixed the bucket a bit while we were down but am I in any danger of getting any anaerobic bacteria activity in the bucket while it was not bubbling?

Typically, how long can an aerated 5 gallon bucket sit with no new oxygen source before anaerobic bacteria get going?

Also, once done I intend to put the tea in a hose end sprayer that will dilute 5 oz per gallon of water (this is the highest setting). Is this too dilute to do anything?


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