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Palatine has an agreement to offer a lot more new Tantau roses!!

HI folks

Palatine has been a terrific source of bare root roses on multiflora, and a good place to get a broad range of Kordes roses as well as Canadian breeders like Jalbert. They're also some of the nicest people in the rose business, and that's saying a lot because the small independent rose growers have some fantastic kind and helpful people (one more reason to patronize them rather than the big corporate agencies).

I was just on the phone last night with Rene (the one who does most of their grafting), and I was begging him to offer Augusta Louise again since it was dropped from this year's offering. Not only will Augusta Louise be back on the menu for the fall 2016, but apparently they've made arrangements with Europe to import a lot of new Tantau roses to offer for sale here in North America!! YAY!! On other threads, we've been lamenting how few Tantau roses outside of the old standbys like Fragrant Cloud seem to make it to North American markets.

No guarantees of which Tantaus these will be or how soon they'll be on the website for sale, but Rene mentioned something like 50 new Tantaus that they would be propagating in the near future. I for one can't wait, and I guess they're smart not to tell us too much about their new offerings or we'd be hammering on their doors like we were to the folks at Ludwig's to get some of the more uncommon European roses offered over here. With Kordes roses getting broader distribution through Newflora, and LongAgo Roses having agreements with Delbard, we may have access to some of those roses we've been drooling about from those tantalizing European catalogs. I'm still working on begging someone to take on more Poulsen roses, but this is definitely an exciting step in the right direction!

Jeepers - now I'm counting the days till the late September opening of the Palatine catalog and I've only barely begun planting the hundreds of roses I have coming this spring. I really should have my head examined, but fortunately I'm talking to people who understand (smile).


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