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First Time 'For Sale by Owner'

Adam Jones
8 years ago

Hello all,

I'm looking to sell one of my properties I just recently bought about a year ago. I could mainly just use advice/estimates from the previously experienced in FSBO. So here's my situation:

Bought this property 1 year ago for 160,000. I still owe 154,500 on the loan. The house is nice and have done a lot of little upgrades and fixes myself. Similar homes within the neighborhood range from the 145's - 190's. With my tight budget, I would need to sell relatively close to 160,000 to break even i'm assuming, which I see opportunity to so for more. I would like to make some profit on this property while trying to get rid of it.

Here's my questions:

1: Should I get a real-estate attorney for the paperwork if buyer does have an agent or should I just go through buyer agent as a dual agent?

2: Can I ask the buyer to drop his agent to avoid paying realtor commission, possibly even making a deal with buyer for slightly less purchase price for doing so?

3: What are all the fees associated with deal given no agent, such as title commission (if it's an actual thing?

4: Has anyone ever done this completely themselves (paperwork and proper documentation)?

5: Am I missing anything?

Note: I'm assuming buyer agent commission (3%) around $4,800. Minus lowest sell-price $160,000 would be $155,200 (almost break even)? Also I already know about marketing and MLS so no need to explain them.

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