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Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2016 #4

This thread is intended to give people a place to post photos
and/or talk about birds, critters, wildlife, fish, whatever - topics you
might not want to start a whole thread on, but are still
garden-related. You can see the range of possible topics in the previous

INDEX to threads 2008 to 2011

For 2012, see the links posted in

RE RE: Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2012 #7. There may be problems with some of the links. I've corrected those I can edit.

2013 threads: 
INDEX: Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2013

2014 threads:
INDEX: Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2014

2015 threads: Links for #1 through #10 are included in

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2015 #11

2016 threads:
Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2016 #1
Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2016 #2
Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2016 #3


I've been hoping to get a good video of tom turkeys in their breeding display, but they've been uncooperative - insisting on moving away from my window view.

I did get this view a few days ago of several turkeys starting to display just before moving out of sight. I was struck by the look of one tom that was apparently very low on the pecking order and forced to follow with great deference. Turkey society has strict rules.


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