Last minute design help!
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
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I need to make a few last minute changes - Help please1
Comments (40)If you're talking about the bathroom off the Rumpus room, the only thing I think you really need to do is make it a tiny bit wider. I would bring the bathroom wall out even with the edge of the Rumpus Room's built-in cabinets so that there is a little more "standing room" in front of the toilet and the shower is a little bigger. Then, if window placement will allow you to do so, for the convenience of guests staying in the guest room, you might mirror image the whole bathroom vertically so that the sink (and door) are up close to the guest room and the shower is down by the built-in cabinets. That would save your guests a few steps to reach the toilet in the middle of the night. Now stop obsessing! There ARE only so many ways to arrange a toilet, a shower, and a vanity. LOL! The whole upstairs looks fantastic. Great theater room, nice large play room with plenty of room for a bar sink and fridge and storage of games/toys, a balcony that'll be big enough to actually sit out on to enjoy the view, AND easy access to the unfinished attic! I think you've done good! Now how about having your architect revise the elevation drawings and post those just so we can see them? I'm looking forward to watching you build....See MoreHelp! Derailed by last-minute range hood snag!
Comments (7)There are too many variaables that only your code inspector can green light. In general though, all hoods and inserts have minimum and maximum height distances from the surface that they cover. And width too. Your contractsr and inspector are gonna have to put their heads together on site. But, it's probably best to dance with the one who brung ya as it's already on site. But, given the chance to change, I probably would as the size you've given doesn't seem to provide adequate coverage to your cooking surface below. And it just barely provides enough CFM. Where is your KD in all of this? That's who should have read all the specs and planned something code compliant. And who should have told you that you can't have what you want because it's not functional....See MoreURGENT! Ordering today & last minute design jitters!
Comments (8)Thanks for all of the responses! As it turns out I'm going to be able to go to Ikea tomorrow so I will at least have this evening to hash this out. Thanks to all of your replies I have more things to consider and bounce off my brain. caligirl cottage - I'm going to order in person. IKEA is about 20 minutes from my house so it's not that big a deal to go there. The trick is finding a time during the week (when it's not crowded) that I don't have to bring my children with me. I have an opportunity tomorrow and I'm going to see what I can get done. I'll let you know how it goes. I agree with your point about the granites above with the carrara being too busy. I always think of carrara as being so serene that I forget that there really is a lot of movement with veining that would definitely compete with some of those granites. However, if I was ever to do granite it would be something green like the ones above. I love the concept of soapstone with a white marble because I think it is so classic and exactly evokes the look I want. Oddly enough, though, I HATE the feel of soapstone. It just scheeves me no end - like fingernails scraping a blackboard. (Which, incidentally, is a good thing because I can't afford soapstone.) However, I LOVE the look and feel of honed marble. Weird, eh? remodelfla- My floors will be natural red oak to match the rest of my house. I like the idea of a white backsplash but I think I'm stuck on the white marble for the perimeter. I just love the look of off white cabs with a white marble. rococgurl- Thanks for all of your comments. Just to give you more information, my goal with this remodel is to lighten and brighten a dark kitchen. I love turn of the century/vintage, cottage, and farmhouse styling. So, I guess I would say that my taste lies more in the traditional realm - as opposed to a modern one. I realize that IKEA cabs are very modern in general even if they do have some doorstyles that try to lean a little towards the traditional. I always see the Adel doors in more modern kitchens but I'm hoping to make them work in one that's more vintage inspired. Here are the rest of my inspiration photos that I've borrowed different elements from: The first 2 are from bunglogrl's kitchen. A link to her finished kitchen pics are below. (notice the crystal knobs) Different photo of same kitchen in previous post: The next 2 pics are from the same house. I love the white cabs with carrara but, in the second pic (the kitchen), I think it's a bit cold. However, in the first pic the little piece of white cabs with carrara look beautiful (imho) against the warm yellow with black accents. give you all a complete picture (in case you don't already have one) of what I am envisioning I will run down a quick list: -Adel white perimeter cabs -Adel medium brown island -white marble on island and perimeter (so far anyway - busy taking in all of your comments into consideration around what to do about island) -crystal knobs and maybe crystal pulls -polished nickel faucet and fixtures (maybe rohl perrin & rowe or Grohe bridgeford) -off white subway tile with white accent backsplash (I would copy the backsplash in the first pic if I can find those accent tiles.) -Natural red oak floors -ss appliances -those warm yellow walls (I think it's BM Barley) -stained brown (similar to adel mb color) farmhouse table with wheatback chairs -Not sure of lighting yet - kicking around schoolhouse type lights, pendants in 3rd pic of this post, and/or black chandelier type like in the 4th pic w/the yellow walls (love that chandelier) or a combo. Ok - Like I said above, I'll have to bat around what I'm going to do about the island color\counter choice thing. Anyone else w\comments about that - please feel free to chime in. BUT --- rococogurl got me thinking about something else: Will I be able to pull this off with these door styles? I'm trying to approximate the adel doors with the doorstyle type in the last pic. Will the details carry this look or will it just look mismatched and odd. I haven't seen any other Adel kitchen like this or even any that are remotely traditional. They are always in modern settings. Am I forcing the issue here? Sorry to be long winded but I've been at this for a long long time (can you tell?) and I'm trying desperately to have the look I want within my budget. But please be honest. All of your comments are really helping me figure this out. Thanks again everyone. Here is a link that might be useful: Bunglogrl's it looks like it's original 1920's kitchen...See Morelast minute panic on hood design, please help
Comments (10)gooster,cpartist and Vith, thank you everyone. You are all saying the same thing and this is helping so much. He is here now and I didn't even mention my crazy request to change the whole thing. He came up with very similar ideas to yours, matching the cabinet trim and possibly lengthening it a bit. I have to go with it now. Should be done soon. I'll post pics. Any other ideas, let me know :)...See MoreRelated Professionals
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