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Anyone want to take a shot at an ID for this old dwarf avocado tree?

BarbJP 15-16/9B CA Bay Area
8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

This tree came with the house. We knew the last owners but when we bought the house they had passed on and their daughter didn't know what kind of avocado tree this was. But I think I've narrowed it down to a few based on it's age, etc.

It was probably planted in the late 1970's to the mid 1980's. It's about 12 feet all, more upright than spreading.

Green, smooth fruit. Medium oily, good flavor though not excellent, decent. A little stringy if left too long. Ripens about March-June and tends to be alternate bearing. Pale yellow flesh, very soft.

Will set fruit with no pollinator, but when we planted a couple of others (A and B) in the yard, it gave 4X as much fruit as before.

Candidates are Gwen, Wurtz (aka, Little Cado), and Whitsell, based on their release to the public dates.

Thanks for any ideas.

Here're some pics;

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