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cold hardy olives

In the excellent German-language gardening forum, "Exoten und Garten", dedicated to cold hardy exotics, there have been a few recent interesting discussions about cold hardy olives (Olea europaea):
Winterharte Oliven 3 Sorten

Oliven und Winterhärte

In addition to a number of varieties mentioned in those discussions as most resistant to cold, they quoted a useful resource, ironically in another non-English language, Spanish:

VariedadesDeOlivo contains entries for very many olive varieties that can be searched under "Búsqueda de Variedad" by name. Variety entries contain under "Resistencias" relative cold resistance "Frio" on the scale of 1 (muy baja, very low, sensitive) to 5 (muy alta, very high, resistant).

Here's a listing of the cold hardiness of the discussed varieties, with Morchione, Cornicabra, Olivière, and Moufla having the strongest support in the discussion. Interestingly, Arbequina, marketed by PDN and often mentioned by others as "one of the most cold-tolerant olives", has at VariedadesDeOlivo only a moderate rating of 3.
Morchione 5
Machona 5
Cornicabra 5
Arroniz 5
Nostrale di Regali 5
Olivière 5
Tanche 4
Moufla 4
Changlot Real 4
Castellana 4
Ascolano 4
Boutellain 4
Picholine du Languedoc 4
Aglandau 4
Hojiblanca 3
Arbequina 3
Bianchera 3
Leccino 3

Also, a few other resources on cold hardy olives, this time in English:
Hardy Olive Trees
Growing olives in Zone 7

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