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Update on Tim

8 years ago

Just want to update all of you that have given great advice thru this broken foot/broken school issues

I called the school last week and I didn't ask..I stated I want a meeting with everyone relevant to Timothys ongoing education and safe transport to and from school..I was there 8.30 this past Monday ..the Principal, Superintendent, the director of transportation, nurse, teacher, and director of special education was waiting...I ask them point blank what arrangements were made to safely transport Timothy to and from school during the remainder of the time he would be in a cast and using crutches...I than ask to allow Timothy to step into the room for just a husband wheeled Timothy into the room in Amiees wheelchair. His right foot in a cast and his left leg from foot to top of thigh in a metal brace...I introduced my Timothy to those that didn't know him than my husband wheeled Tim back out to wait in the car...than I stood up and handed a letter to the Principal, actually 2 letters one from Tims Ped and one from the ortho stating that Tim has a sprained knee and stress and strain throughout the left (good leg) due to the struggle of getting him off a mini bus last Friday. Every mouth fell open as these letters were passed around and no one looked at was very quiet. Than I said now what arrangements have been made...still no one I said if I leave this room without appropriate arrangements being made I WILL go to Channel 4 Action News and my Attorney and I will tell them you are refusing this child an education while he has a cast and crutches..suddenly the director of special education spoke..a minivan for handicap students will be transporting Timothy to and from school as of now, he turned to the principal and ask in front of me why this was not already arranged..the principal said he arranged a mini to make a long story not any has finially been worked out..but I had to get aggressive...a few days ago Tim came home and told me the teacher and principal and some other adults came into his class and stood in front of the class and told Tim he's a hero as is his Grandmother and that they were sorry for letting him down...I didn't know they were going to do this, but I see they know theywere wrong.

On a good note here's A few sentences of Tims testing at school.

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