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How Much Do You Pay for Phone, TV, Internet?

9 years ago

There's a similar thread on utilities, but since I am attempting to figure out what I want to do with these things perhaps people can share their total monthly costs. Currently I have a "triple play" package with landline, mid-tier cable TV, and internet. I despise the cable company, the increasing rates, etc. etc. But when trying to "unbundle" and price such things as cell phone plans or landline options, streaming/antennas instead of cable, etc. either equals or even exceeds what I am paying now for the "bundle." I am paying $99.00 plus tax, for a total of about $117.00 month. And it just keeps going up. Did I already mention how I also despise the cable company???

I also understand that if I attempted to drop TV and landline with the company the price for internet alone skyrockets. I have heard people are paying upwards toward $70/month for internet alone.

Essentially, I have no idea whether I currently have a good deal or not, or whether i should shop around for alternatives.

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