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Grand Duke Supremes lowest petals dry out before flower fully unfolds

Every time my GDS blooms, it opens up the lowest sets of petals, they fade and brown before another set of petals open up further up the flower. This makes it always look like a fresh flower is emerging from the center of a fully dead flower. Thus my plant's flowers always look smaller and not as full as I expect them to be. Has anybody experienced this?

I bought the plant last winter as a rooted cutting from a reputable ebay seller that I have heard mentioned here several times. The first time that I had this happen, I thought it was my fault for having moved the plant outside during low humidity . The second time I thought it was my fault for having allowed the soil to dry too much while it was in bloom.

This time around I kept the plant evenly moist and the air around it has been humid. Maybe I should keep the plant out of direct sun while blooming? It is indoors in a small south facing window receiving very bright light and some direct sun. Also the blooms seem rather too short lived. How long do they normally last?

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