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HVAC advice: spray foam insulated house with BAD air quality

9 years ago

My house (7500 sq feet) is super tight. I suppose that is what you expect with a spray foamed house. But for better or worst, it is TIGHT (ran out of propane for 3 days in the middle of winter and temp never went below 43 degrees despite being 9 degrees outside). The house was finished in 2011. I did an air quality test (VOC & formaldehyde) since the house still has a "new" smell that I just can not get over. No formaldehyde, but VOC test was pretty bad. Also tested high for spray foam chemicals (aren't they supposed to dissipate?). Anyway - I am thinking I need new air handlers or bigger better system than I have right now (Honeywell). I think I have 4 air handlers in the house. Clearly not getting the job done. Is there something out there that will truly bring fresh air into the house? Like at a casino? Cost not really an issue. Thanks for any advice on any of this!!!!

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