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Wood chip options for planter in front yard

I'm doing some landscaping and like the Back to Eden style to make the soil better.
I have several planters in the front yard and they have been only ornamental.
I'd like to add in some edibles there, so I want to try to get the soil better.
So I am putting down 5-6 pages of newspaper in one of them, and then about an inch of good (I think) compost.

I'm trying to find what to put on top of that as the 'wood chip' layer.
Mostly I see two options - bark from a big box store, or free wood chips from a local tree service.

While I'll be trying to get the free wood chips for the backyard, I'm not sure it's the best option for the front yard, and may be a little too natural (if that makes sense), and I want smaller quantities in the front yard for these projects at this point, anyway.

I also don't think, from what I have heard, that bark is the best option, doesn't have the organic side of things as much as wood chips when they break down(?).

I'm in SoCal.
I did see what seemed like it could be a good option - shredded hardwood mulch, and it didn't seem like it was bark, but it didn't appear to be available to me - only available in Texas -

Any ideas on where I can get some mulch that isn't bark-based, looks good for the front yard (i.e. not the unknown huge delivery from tree services), and is chipped up to somewhat consistent sizes - pine, oak, whatever...?

I'm not too concerned with long-lasting color of it - regular tree 'brown' is good for me. And I'll just add another inch each year.

The main reason I ask is because I'd like to also be growing edible things in my front yard. So I want the soil to get better over the years, but also don't want locals to complain, so I want it to look good, and also be good for the veggies over the years.

But I haven't been able to find a good option for wood chips, that look decent in the front yard, in small quantities, are not bark, and are not from the huge free delivery of wood chips options.


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