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Pro opinion re: 30" Silgranit sink in a 33" base cabinet

9 years ago

Due to tight space, we had to use a 33" kitchen sink base cabinet. I still wanted, if at all possible, a full-size Blanco Precis single bowl undermount sink (model 440150 spec sheet) instead of having to go with a 24" sink.

The contractor assured me that they install 30" undermount sinks in 33" bases "all the time," but we'd have to remove some material from the tops of the cabinet walls to allow the sink enough room to be tilted then lifted into position (the overall sink width is 32" and the inside of the cabinet is 31.5"). I went ahead and bought the sink and modified the base cabinet.

The countertop installers used supports that mount to the cabinet walls and push up on the sink rim. These supports are hinged, so they might be designed to work at more of an angle, not vertically; seems like you wouldn't want all that force pushing straight down on some wood screws, but what do I know.

After installation, I noticed that all 4 support brackets are making contact with the sides of the sink, and don't touch the rim at all because they're too thick to clear the gap (see photos.) The Silgranit material isn't as hard as I thought, and I might be seeing some deformation in the sides where the supports make contact, but it's hard to tell from the limited viewing angle.

My questions are (a) how long can this Silgranit material withstand being squeezed (really hard) from the outside, and (b) what should we be looking out for, if it does begin to fail?

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