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Greenman28, mike, and all others, I need advise

Well, you guys have helped me quite a bit in the past in regards to my air layer meyer's, so figured I would shoot this question towards you guys, but ofcourse all willing to help is much appreciated.

Well the rootball of my air layers are extremely small compared to the top half of the tree. They lost the majority of their leaves during a trip I took to Tahoe and has not grown them back until just recently. About a month ago they started sprouting new growth like CRAZY. The new leaves and branches look great, seem to be healthy but I've noticed that half of them seem to always be "wilted". Even the new branch seems very weak and bends down towards the floor. Not all of the new growth looks like this tho. Only half. I thought maybe I was under watering so I purposely watered / fertilized one evening and rechecked the wilting the next morning before work, and there was no change.

They are in 25 gallon Air Pots, and potted in a 5 part bark, 2 part ocean forest, and 1 part perlite. With that said. The pots are HUGE considering the size of the rootballs, but I hoped to see major root growth over the summer.

on average, I am watering once every 6 days with 2 tablespoons of foilage pro per gallon. I am using the wooden dowel method to check for when they need to be watered.

The way I have been checking is pushing the wooden dowl to the bottom of the pot count to 3 and immediately pull it back out and check for ANY moisture. If it comes out DRY then I water.

the tree's /pots get direct sun for maybe 4 hours per day. I live in sonoma county, ca. So we have been averaging 80 deg days, and 55-57 deg nights.

With that said, what do you guys think? Could it be the tree's have grown more leaves and branches then it's root system can support and having a hard time keeping all new growth hydrated?

Thank you to all!

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