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County to spray for Oriental Fruit Fly

I got a flyer this week saying that the county will be spraying my back yard this week-end for Oriental fruit flies, but that they will be using an organic pesticide.

What extra precautions should I take? I am planning on harvesting some lemons and limes and store those in the fridge, but I am not sure what to do about the herbs and chili plants. They are all in pots, and so I could move them into the garage, if necessary. I think they should only be spraying fruit trees, however, or am I wrong? I also have a cherimoya tree with young fruit on it, but I am not worried about that because cherimoya peeling is already toxic, and so the fruit has to be peeled. I like to use lemon, lime, and orange zest, however. My oranges will not be ripe for a couple of months. I also have a bay tree in a pot that can be moved.

Is this happening in your neighborhood? If so, what are you doing in preparation?

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