Bosch Benchmark side swing ovens?
9 years ago
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- 9 years ago
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Comments (133)I’m not sure my opinion is a huge help, since 1) I haven’t fully researched ovens in a few years now (thank goodness), and 2) I’ve become a bit jaded by spending for premium ovens to get quality, only to get problems. F&P and Wolf were my best baking ovens, but too many porcelain problems. My Gagg doesn’t have the porcelain problems at all, and, while I love the amount of control I have in choosing which elements it employs for what I’m baking, and whether it uses convection fans or not, I’d never pay the price for it again. -Mine was an outdated floor model, so a comparatively ‘good deal,’ but still more than I wish I’d spent. And a new one at new prices? No way. I’m pretty much fully on board with what 59 Dodge (Hi, Gary!) said above. Elux used to be a good choice, but I wouldn’t trust it now. When we first looked at ovens, Miele was my ‘If price was no object’ dream oven, based on their strict quality control in the manufacturing process, from start to beautiful finish. However, several years ago some very experienced bakers had some temperature issues that Miele didn’t seem to be addressing to their satisfaction. Also, my sister, a specialty dessert and wedding cake baker, bought on of their double wall ovens, and was never impressed as she thought she would be. The performance was ‘fine,’ but not spectacular, and she said they were small inside. So, this is where I part ways a little with Gary, I am not sure I’d consider Miele...although all of my concerns may have been addressed in recent models; I just don’t know. They’re pretty pricey and I’m less inclined to take expensive risks any more. Bosch is made by the same parent company as Gagg. We can hope that, but certainly not count on, they use the same materials or technique in coating their oven interiors. (They don’t have a stellar reputation for service, but then, with my Gagg oven or Bosch dishwashers, I haven’t needed to find out!) We haven’t seen anything here, that I know of, about porcelain problems...or, really, any other problems with Bosch ovens. Last I looked in person, they had roomier interiors than other brands and good lighting, and from what I see in current ads, their styling has improved and looks great. All this to say, I’ve decided that if I replace ovens or do another kitchen, Bosch is at the top of my list. If the baking isn’t as controlled as Gagg or as perfect as Wolf, but I’ve got GOOD performances, spent half (or less), and don’t have any hassles, I’d be very happy. Also, I had a JennAir ‘convection’ range about 15 years ago. It turned out not to be ‘European convection,’ but their own version that used another fan set up. Like you found with yours, it was all hype. When, because the oven vented hot air right in front of the electronic board for the cooktop, so it kept melting the wires, they gave me a partial refund. I replaced it with a plain, non-convection GE that did better 2-rack baking! So if that’s the kind of performance you’ve had, I’m betting the Bosch would be a big jump you could be happy with. Best wishes....See MoreConvex oven: Bosch side-swing, Electrolux, Thermador, Miele?
Comments (70)That's a good question, wekick. Miele recipe book for combi steam oven does not have any recipe that use full grill with moisture, however, there are recipes that use combi mode full grill with 0% moisture. From Miele demonstrator's word when I took their cooking classes, she said that by default Miele oven retains some moisture during cooking. For the plain oven, there is a crisp function to release moisture which is done by opening up valve. This is akin to Wolf convection and convection humid mode in their CSO. For Miele combi, you have the option of setting moisture level to 0% to force the oven to release all the moisture possible. Despite there is no recipe in the book using grill with some moisture, the advertisement in Miele catalogue does claim that it is good for fish and meat. My self, I have got a pretty good result with white fish marinaded in sweet miso (saikyo miso fish) cooked in full grill combi mode with some moisture. It is cooked skin side up towards to grill. With preheated grill, and some humidity. outside is brown fairly quickly, and pretty much when the marinade starts to burn due to high sugar content, cooking is done....See MoreBosch Benchmark or Electrolux Wall Oven?
Comments (8)We have an Elux Wave Touch single wall oven 3+ years old. (I know you asked about double ovens) It's an okay oven. The two racks roll out very nicely. The timer is plenty loud for us. Things do not brown evenly, although it heats evenly. (I tested it with oven thermometers so it won't do any good to complain to Elux) The electronics cooling fan runs from the minute the oven is engaged, until it cools down. Fan is noisy and blows hot air into the kitchen. Ugh... I guess they all do that, nowadays. Over the holidays, it was run on 425° to 450° for a little over an hour, and the hidden heating element left its mark....the faded outline. I don't know if other ovens will do that after an hour or hour-and-a-half max at high heat, but I am not impressed. Or pleased. Grrrrrrrrr..... It's a bit of a nasty mess in the pic below, but you should have seen it BEFORE I hand-scrubbed it . . . because one does not dare run the self-clean feature in any of these ovens too often for running the risk of killing the computer inside them. Nice thing is the door completely comes off this oven, which made the cleaning a lot easier. I didn't even have to have hubby help me remove it....See MoreKitchen reveal - thank you all for your help!
Comments (43)slk7e7, I have never run it on high and likely never will - there is likely nothing wrong with your just sounds like a jet taking off on high! I knew this going in, but could not find the look I wanted in a quieter hood without paying 3x the money. Since I do not fry, I find the hood totally sufficient on low or med-low to take care of moisture from boiling or sautéing....See MoreRelated Professionals
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