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Ideas for HVAC Air Freshener

8 years ago

I thought I'd tap into the wisdom and creativity of this group. I'm having a hard time keeping my condo air fresh because there's a smoker on the downstairs balcony. Really it has become an absolute trial but I have no choice but to put up with it and do my best at keeping the smoke out. (I did try to talk to them, to management, etc to no avail. Sad.)When I posted on this earlier people said to just open windows but that's the problem! The smell comes in. So it occurs to me that rather than the endless sprays and candles, none of which do anything much except in a small space, that I could use the HVAC air conditioner filter to distribute scent throughout the house. What about a few spritzes of an essential oil? Has anyone done something like this? I see that you can buy scented filters but reviews almost uniformly say they don't last more than a day. Let me know if you have any advice. Thanks!

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