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Drought conditions improving!

Hi all,

OakIris and Jani posted some current drought info on another thread, and I just thought I'd start it as a separate thread so more folks would see it!

Those of us in Colorado that have been SWIMMING for a month won't have any trouble believing this, but it really is interesting to see this info in graphic form! For years parts of Colorado, at times most of the state, has been in varying degrees of drought--large areas in SEVERE/EXTREME drought at times, and it is REALLY nice to finally see it Going Away--at least for now!

Here are some of the Drought Monitor maps! The maps I've found "thru NOAA" in the past have certainly been "usable," but these are new maps I hadn't seen before and they're a lot more interactive and functional than the "old maps!" The ability to click on the different dates to see the comparison is really cool!

Colorado (linked by Jani on another thread!)

Western states - regional map - Look at California!!!

U. S. drought OUTLOOK - Love to see it now expected to Go Away (almost) all together in Colorado!

And here's the Drought Monitor home page, in case anybody wants to check out other areas of the country!

I've definitely had enough RAIN for now, but it sure is good to see the drought conditions improving so much!


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