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Need help identifying a pest or a disease on Butterfly Bush

I have a Butterfly Bush that is being attacked by something. The leaves have many holes, there is a sap on some of these holes and it also is getting some black tar type substance coming out of the blooms that are starting.

In the mornings I would check for insects but never saw any, until now. Here is a photo of the bug(these guys can fly, thinking some type of Beetle?):

Here is a photo of the blooms:

The leaves are just getting destroyed:

Any ideas? Trying not to go crazy and spray pesticides but I don't want to lose this plant and have these spread to the rest of my flower garden. I see the leaves of other plants being eaten just not to this extent, yet...

I did buy 1500 Ladybugs that I plan to release tonight, will they kill this? Will my plant survive?

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